
Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Questionaire

Get the most out of your ERTC, let the experts do the heavy lifting.

1. Submit your information and documents.

2. Your documents are reviewed by our ERTC experts.

3. Receive your calculated estimated refund amount 48 hours.

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Business Owner Name

ERTC Made easy

1. Documents

Submit your information and all the required documents.

2. Review

Our ERTC experts review your documents.

3. Calculations

You receive your calculated tax relief within 48 hours.

The Impact

Take advantage of the ERTC to raise money for your company. For 2020 and 2021, this tax break is worth a maximum of $5,000 per employee and $7,000 per employee per quarter.

Up to $5K per employee (2020 ERTC)

Significant lookback potential for previously unincluded PPP debtors.

Up to $7K per employee per quarter (2021 ERTC)

increased eligibility for businesses experiencing a 20% reduction in gross sales. Increased threshold for large employers.

Do You Qualify?

Wondering whether you qualify for the ERTC? See if you meet the following requirements:

Supply chain disruption

Complete/partial shutdown by a government order

Travel Restrictions

Delayed Accounts Receivables

Contact Us

Please write your message and contact information below. We will respond as soon as possible.